When to Use Context API vs Redux

For example, if an effect specifies [] as the second argument but reads someProp inside, it will keep “seeing” the initial value of someProp. The solution is to either remove the dependency array, or to fix it. Here’s how you can deal with functions, and here’s other common strategies to run effects less often without incorrectly skipping dependencies. If you first click “Show alert” and then increment the counter, the alert will show the count variable at the time you clicked the “Show alert” button. This prevents bugs caused by the code assuming props and state don’t change. Both putting all state in a single useState call, and having a useState call per each field can work.

Can React replace Redux

Unlike useState that only comes with a setValue function, the useReducer hook allows you to specify as many functions as you need. For example, an object array state will need at least functions for adding, updating and deleting an item. Yes, adding RTK and React-Redux as dependencies does add additional byte size to your application bundle over just Context + useReducer, because those are built in to React. But, the tradeoffs are worth it – better state traceability, simpler and more predictable logic, and improved component rendering performance. We just switched from context and hooks over to RTK on one of our production application’s frontends.

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This means any component connected to the store can access the state information and either display it or change it. There is another approach to managing state with Hooks by implementing the useReducer hook. When the useReducer hook is implemented, it gives a more Redux-like feel. In principle, it uses an action and a reducer to change the state.

Can React replace Redux

This is only possible because React-Redux uses Context internally. However, it’s critical to note that React-Redux only passes down the Redux store instance via context, not the current state value!. This is actually an example of using Context for dependency injection, as mentioned above.

lol, useReducer + Context = Redux Lite

Redux is trying to simplify managing complicated states by providing us with a set of useful tools, like Redux Dev Tools, state persistence, asynchronous actions, etc… React Hooks is the new way of handling state and life cycle into React components, without relying on component classes. It was introduced in the 16.8 version of the library and has the intention to decrease the complexity of the components, by sharing logic between them. Then no, unless you rework how to handle your application logic. Hooks just don’t have the same control options that Redux does, unless you custom build it.

Can React replace Redux

Notice how TypeScript properly infers return type of my custom hooks. Redux used to be my primary choice for managing global application state. I loved its simplicity, community around it, awesome developer tools. However, I also like to keep my apps’ dependencies to the minimum. With the context API and hooks (to be more specific useContext and useReducer) we can pretty easily replace basic Redux with tools that are already built-in react.

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We want React components in our application to be able to trigger actions, such as updating data, and we also want them to be able to react to the results of these actions or any other change to the global state. Reducers are functions that take the current state and action as arguments what is redux for and return the updated state. Based on the action type, you can establish what logic the reducer will execute with a switch statement. In principle, actions allow sending information to the store, either retrieving the existing state to be displayed or changing the store.

  • Quite recently, the React team introduced several new features which include React Hooks and the Context API.
  • For example, if an effect specifies [] as the second argument but reads someProp inside, it will keep “seeing” the initial value of someProp.
  • Hooks are functions that enable the execution of custom code in React’s functional components.
  • In our StateProvider, we returned our Provider component with a value prop of state and dispatch from the useReducer Hook.

The context api helps you manage props that are passed down through many nested components. Another important React hook is the useContext witch is used together with userReducer to take the component co-located state management to another level. It enables the state container that is created with UseReducer and its dispatch function to be passed to any component from any top-level component.

This is very useful, please note how TypeScript is able to properly narrow action type in reduce function. Redux’s state is stored within something called a store, and you have to create one by calling the createStore function and passing in the reducer. “State” is any data that describes the behavior of an application. We could divide that into categories like “server state”, “communications state”, and “location state” if we want to, but the key point is that there is data being stored, read, updated, and used.

Can React replace Redux

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